This article will walk you through your next steps.
To get started:
- If you do not already have a Liberty account created, you need to create one HERE. Create an account that has the same email address as the one you used to purchase your nodes:
- Log in to your account and click “Setup” to complete your account set up and create your wallet. See this article for more information on your wallet and it's importance.
- Once your wallet is created, you will want to either:
- Set up your VPS: You will need 1 VPS for every Smart Node purchased and/or 1 VPS for every 100 Nodes. Click on the icon in your dashboard that says "Set up VPS." This article will walk you through the steps of getting those set up. Follow these step by step.
- Download the Node software: The link can be found in your Liberty Account by logging in and clicking "Nodes." At the bottom you will see the following:
**PLEASE NOTE: You need to set up a VPS OR download the node software per license. Doing both will result in the following: If you own 1 Smart Node license which you download the node software and ALSO set up the smart node on a VPS, your node software will incorrectly show that 2 nodes are online and your strength will be reduced to 50%. To correct this, you will need to either uninstall the VPS or uninstall the node software. You will not see rewards or distribution for extra nodes online. They must have licenses assigned to them in order to gain the rewards.
- Once these steps are all completed you will be good to go! You’ll want to make sure in your dashboard on the Liberty website (first link above) that when you click “Nodes” it shows the same number of "Smart Node licenses" to the amount of "Nodes Online."
*If you purchased your node through Connect United you will need to link your Liberty account with Connect. You can find those instructions here.
PDG Standard Disclaimer: Liberty Nodes and the Liberty Blockchain are governed by a Distributed Governance Framework (DGF), which is distinct from and not solely controlled by the Pioneer Development Group (PDG). Any value derived from Liberty Nodes and the LBRT Digital Rewards/Tokens is likely to be uncorrelated with the success or failure of Pioneer Development Group. PDG does not sell tokens or digital rewards. The Liberty Blockchain, which is governed by Liberty Node Owners, self-govern the distribution of LIBERTY Digital Rewards/Tokens. LBRT Digital Rewards are earned in exchange for work and action on the Liberty Blockchain. LBRT Digital Rewards are designed to have utility throughout the Liberty Ecosystem for the purchase of PDG’s products and services. The LBRT Digital Reward is not an investment product and may never have any value outside of the Liberty Ecosystem. Liberty Node Owners should not expect to recognize any value from the LBRT Digital Reward other than its utility within the Liberty Ecosystem. PDG does not anticipate correlation between the LBRT Digital Reward value and PDG’s business activities.